Études et évidences scientifiques
Littérature scientifique
Études scientifiques sur le traitement de l’hyperhidrose avec l’iontophorèse

- A retrospective analysis of the use of tap water iontophoresis for focal hyperhidrosis at a district general hospital: the patients’ perspective. Gollins CE, Carpenter A, Steen C, Bulinski H, Mahendran R. J Dermatolog Treat. 2019 Jan 16:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2019.1569751. «Conclusion : In conclusion, tap water iontophoresis can result in a significant improvement in perceived severity of hyperhidrosis and quality of life.»
- The effectiveness of tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis using a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday treatment regime Tee Wei Siah MBChB, Philip J Hampton PhD. Dermatology Online Journal 19 (3): 14, 201 «In conclusion, tap water iontophoresis is a safe and effective treatment of palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis (…)»
- Hyperhidrosis: medical and surgical treatment. Stolman, Lewis P. Eplasty vol. 8 e22. 18 Apr. 2008 «One of the simplest, safest, and most cost-effective treatments of palmar and/or plantar hyperhidrosis is that of iontophoresis (…) Compensatory hyperhidrosis does not occur.»
- Treatment of Palmar Hyperhidrosis with Tap Water Iontophoresis: A Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Single-Blind, and Parallel-Designed Clinical Trial. Kim, Do Hun, Tae Han Kim, Seung Ho Lee, and Ai Young Lee. Annals of dermatology29, no. 6 (2017): 728-734. «(…) starch-iodine test showed clinical improvement in 92.9% of patients in group A (…) mean sweat secretion rate was reduced by 91.8% of patients in group A (…) Improvement in quality of life was reported by 78.6% of patients in group A (…) » (…) this controlled study confirmed that iontophoresis could be used an effective and safe treatment modality for palmar hyperhidrosis.»
- Treatment of hyperhidrosis manuum by tap water iontophoresis. Dahl JC, Glent-Madsen L. Acta Derm Venereol. 1989;69:346–348. «In a randomised, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial of the effect of treatment with tap water iontophoresis ()… An 81% reduction (median) in sweating was found (…) in (55% of) patients (…)»
- Efficacy and safety of tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Akbar, Talat Masood, Mahmood A. Saqib, Sundas Fahim, Mohammad Nasir, and Haroon Nabi. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology 23, no. 3 (2016): 304-309. « Our study (…) indicates that tap water iontophoresis is an effective treatment modality for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. The treatment resulted in improvement of sweating in all our patients (…) »
- Tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Yardi, S. S., U. S. Khopkar, V. A. Phadke, and S. S. Idgunji. Indian Journal of Dermatology 42, no. 3 (1997): 164-167. «Majority of patients showed good or excellent response at the end of 2 weeks. The proportion of such response rose to 82% at 6 weeks. (…) Tap water iontophoresis was found to be a simple, safe, effective and convenient method of treating palmoplanter hyperhidrosis.»
- Treatment of Excess Sweating of the Palms by Iontophoresis. Lewis P. Stolman, MD. Archives of Dermatology 1987;123:893-896. «The efficacity of iontophoresis in the treatment of 15 (83%) of 18 individuals with palmar hyperhidrosis was demonstrated.»
- Safe control of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis with direct electrical current. Karakoc Y, Aydemir EH, Kalkan MT, et al. Int J Dermatol 2002;41:602–605. «One hundred and twelve patients with idiopathic hyperhidrosis were enrolled in the study. (…) The patients were treated in eight sessions with (…) tap water iontophoresis. (…) This therapy controlled palmar hyperhidrosis in 81.2% of cases. » (…) This technique should be offered to patients with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis prior to surgical intervention or botulinum toxin injection.»
- Iontophoresis with alternating current and direct current offset (AC/DC iontophoresis): a new approach for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Reinauer S, Neusser A, Schauf G, Holzle E. British Journal of Dermatology 129 (1993): 166-169. «Palmar hyperhidrosis was completely controlled after an average of 11 treatments by either AC/DC iontophoresis or the conventional DC method.»
- Therapy of hyperhidrosis with tap water iontophoresis. Positive effect on healing time and lack of recurrence in hand-foot eczema. Wollina U, Uhlemann C, Elstermann D, Köber L, Barta U. Hautarzt. 1998 Feb;49(2):109-13«(…) 89% of patients noted an improvement in their hyperhidrosis. (…)»
- Long-term efficacy and side effects of tap water iontophoresis of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis – the usefulness of home therapy. Hölzle E, Alberti N. Dermatologica. 1987;175(3):126-35.«Maintenance treatment was continued on an average for 14 months, in 4 patients for more than 3 years. (…) Long-term side effects did not occur.»
- The treatment of hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet with constant current. Bouman HD, Lentzer EM. Am J Phys Med 1952;31: 158–169. «A total of one hundred and thirteen patients has been treated with constant current (iontophoresis) since the initial experimental series. The treatment has proven effective in one hundred and three (91%) patients treated.»
- Treatment of primary hyperhidrosis with tap water iontophoresis in paediatric patients: a retrospective analysis. Dogruk Kacar S, Ozuguz P, Eroglu S, Polat S, Karaca S. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2014 Dec;33(4):313-6. doi: 10.3109/15569527.2013.875559. Epub 2014 Jan 9. «In our study, all our patients except one stated an improvement and 89% stated 50% or more reduction in sweating with iontophoresis treatment. (…) iontophoresis is an effective method of treatment for primary palmoplantar and axillary hyperhidrosis in paediatric patients.»
- Tap water iontophoresis in the treatment of pediatric hyperhidrosis. Dagash, Haitham, Sinead McCaffrey, Katie Mellor, Agnes Roycroft, and Ingrid Helbling. Journal of pediatric surgery 52, no. 2 (2017): 309-312. «A positive outcome was found in 84% (36/43) of patients. (…) Tap water iontophoresis is a safe and effective modality of treatment for both palmar and/or plantar hyperhidrosis and axillary hyperhidrosis in the pediatric population, with minimal side effects. Pediatric surgeons should offer this treatment option before considering more invasive surgical procedures.»
- Primary Pediatric Hyperhidrosis: A Review of Current Treatment Options. Christina M. Gelbard, M.D., Hayley Epstein, and Adelaide Hebert, M.D. Pediatric Dermatology, Vol. 25 No. 6 591–598, 2008 «(…) iontophoresis has been shown to be effective in the treatment of palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis (…) Side effects are typically minimal.»
Littérature scientifique
Études scientifiques sur le traitement de l’hyperhidrose avec l’iontophorèse

L’iontophorèse pour l’hyperhidrose primaire est recommandé en première ligne par :
- ▶ l’Association canadienne de dermatologie (www.dermatology.ca)
- ▶ l’American Academy of Dermatology (www.aad.org)
- ▶ l’International Hyperhidrosis Society (www.sweathelp.org)
- ▶ la British Association of Dermatologists (www.bad.org.uk)
- ▶ la German Society of Dermatology (www.derma.de)
Toutes les études d’efficacité que nous avons pu répertoriées dans notre revue de littérature concluent que le traitement est efficace et sécuritaire.
- A retrospective analysis of the use of tap water iontophoresis for focal hyperhidrosis at a district general hospital: the patients’ perspective. Gollins CE, Carpenter A, Steen C, Bulinski H, Mahendran R. J Dermatolog Treat. 2019 Jan 16:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2019.1569751. «Conclusion : In conclusion, tap water iontophoresis can result in a significant improvement in perceived severity of hyperhidrosis and quality of life.»
- The effectiveness of tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis using a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday treatment regime Tee Wei Siah MBChB, Philip J Hampton PhD. Dermatology Online Journal 19 (3): 14, 201 «In conclusion, tap water iontophoresis is a safe and effective treatment of palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis (…)»
- Hyperhidrosis: medical and surgical treatment. Stolman, Lewis P. Eplasty vol. 8 e22. 18 Apr. 2008 «One of the simplest, safest, and most cost-effective treatments of palmar and/or plantar hyperhidrosis is that of iontophoresis (…) Compensatory hyperhidrosis does not occur.»
- Treatment of Palmar Hyperhidrosis with Tap Water Iontophoresis: A Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Single-Blind, and Parallel-Designed Clinical Trial. Kim, Do Hun, Tae Han Kim, Seung Ho Lee, and Ai Young Lee. Annals of dermatology29, no. 6 (2017): 728-734. «(…) starch-iodine test showed clinical improvement in 92.9% of patients in group A (…) mean sweat secretion rate was reduced by 91.8% of patients in group A (…) Improvement in quality of life was reported by 78.6% of patients in group A (…) » (…) this controlled study confirmed that iontophoresis could be used an effective and safe treatment modality for palmar hyperhidrosis.»
- Treatment of hyperhidrosis manuum by tap water iontophoresis. Dahl JC, Glent-Madsen L. Acta Derm Venereol. 1989;69:346–348. «In a randomised, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial of the effect of treatment with tap water iontophoresis ()… An 81% reduction (median) in sweating was found (…) in (55% of) patients (…)»
- Efficacy and safety of tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Akbar, Talat Masood, Mahmood A. Saqib, Sundas Fahim, Mohammad Nasir, and Haroon Nabi. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology 23, no. 3 (2016): 304-309. « Our study (…) indicates that tap water iontophoresis is an effective treatment modality for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. The treatment resulted in improvement of sweating in all our patients (…) »
- Tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Yardi, S. S., U. S. Khopkar, V. A. Phadke, and S. S. Idgunji. Indian Journal of Dermatology 42, no. 3 (1997): 164-167. «Majority of patients showed good or excellent response at the end of 2 weeks. The proportion of such response rose to 82% at 6 weeks. (…) Tap water iontophoresis was found to be a simple, safe, effective and convenient method of treating palmoplanter hyperhidrosis.»
- Treatment of Excess Sweating of the Palms by Iontophoresis. Lewis P. Stolman, MD. Archives of Dermatology 1987;123:893-896. «The efficacity of iontophoresis in the treatment of 15 (83%) of 18 individuals with palmar hyperhidrosis was demonstrated.»
- Safe control of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis with direct electrical current. Karakoc Y, Aydemir EH, Kalkan MT, et al. Int J Dermatol 2002;41:602–605. «One hundred and twelve patients with idiopathic hyperhidrosis were enrolled in the study. (…) The patients were treated in eight sessions with (…) tap water iontophoresis. (…) This therapy controlled palmar hyperhidrosis in 81.2% of cases. » (…) This technique should be offered to patients with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis prior to surgical intervention or botulinum toxin injection.»
- Iontophoresis with alternating current and direct current offset (AC/DC iontophoresis): a new approach for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Reinauer S, Neusser A, Schauf G, Holzle E. British Journal of Dermatology 129 (1993): 166-169. «Palmar hyperhidrosis was completely controlled after an average of 11 treatments by either AC/DC iontophoresis or the conventional DC method.»
- Therapy of hyperhidrosis with tap water iontophoresis. Positive effect on healing time and lack of recurrence in hand-foot eczema. Wollina U, Uhlemann C, Elstermann D, Köber L, Barta U. Hautarzt. 1998 Feb;49(2):109-13«(…) 89% of patients noted an improvement in their hyperhidrosis. (…)»
- Long-term efficacy and side effects of tap water iontophoresis of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis – the usefulness of home therapy. Hölzle E, Alberti N. Dermatologica. 1987;175(3):126-35.«Maintenance treatment was continued on an average for 14 months, in 4 patients for more than 3 years. (…) Long-term side effects did not occur.»
- The treatment of hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet with constant current. Bouman HD, Lentzer EM. Am J Phys Med 1952;31: 158–169. «A total of one hundred and thirteen patients has been treated with constant current (iontophoresis) since the initial experimental series. The treatment has proven effective in one hundred and three (91%) patients treated.»
- Treatment of primary hyperhidrosis with tap water iontophoresis in paediatric patients: a retrospective analysis. Dogruk Kacar S, Ozuguz P, Eroglu S, Polat S, Karaca S. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2014 Dec;33(4):313-6. doi: 10.3109/15569527.2013.875559. Epub 2014 Jan 9. «In our study, all our patients except one stated an improvement and 89% stated 50% or more reduction in sweating with iontophoresis treatment. (…) iontophoresis is an effective method of treatment for primary palmoplantar and axillary hyperhidrosis in paediatric patients.»
- Tap water iontophoresis in the treatment of pediatric hyperhidrosis. Dagash, Haitham, Sinead McCaffrey, Katie Mellor, Agnes Roycroft, and Ingrid Helbling. Journal of pediatric surgery 52, no. 2 (2017): 309-312. «A positive outcome was found in 84% (36/43) of patients. (…) Tap water iontophoresis is a safe and effective modality of treatment for both palmar and/or plantar hyperhidrosis and axillary hyperhidrosis in the pediatric population, with minimal side effects. Pediatric surgeons should offer this treatment option before considering more invasive surgical procedures.»
- Primary Pediatric Hyperhidrosis: A Review of Current Treatment Options. Christina M. Gelbard, M.D., Hayley Epstein, and Adelaide Hebert, M.D. Pediatric Dermatology, Vol. 25 No. 6 591–598, 2008 «(…) iontophoresis has been shown to be effective in the treatment of palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis (…) Side effects are typically minimal.»
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